Our Sharathon Goal is: $490,000
* Totals last updated: 1/2/25
Ways to Get Involved:
Would you pray for WTGN Radio?
Please pray that God would continue to work in and through WTGN for His Glory and that many people would come to know the saving grace of Jesus.
Monthly Gift
Your ongoing partnership is a tremendous blessing to WTGN Radio.
You can make a monthly gift automatically from your credit or debit card. It's an easy, convenient, cost effective way to donate.
One-Time Gift
WTGN is funded through the generous gifts of listeners like you.
Your gift helps us share the love of Christ through strong Bible teaching, inspirational music, messages and events.
Sharathon Gifts
For your faith promise or gift of any amount, you can receive
a copy of the book Hope to Tell: The Life-Changing Power of Jesus Christ—filled with real-life testimonies from the
WTGN staff and a 2025 WTGN wall calendar.
We have the Sharathon gifts available for pickup at the station, 1600 Elida Road in Lima, weekdays from 8 AM to 4 PM.
Or, if you’d prefer, we can mail them to you.
Give us a call at 419-227-2525,
or click the button below to make a faith promise now.
Sharaday 2025
What is a Sharaday?
With a donation of $1,325, you can choose any day of the year to celebrate a special event or honor a friend or loved one on a birthday, anniversary, graduation or other special occasion. Your message will air a total of 24 times, at the top of each hour on the date of your choice.
Alternatively, with a donation of $675, choose any half-day of the year to broadcast your special message. Each Half-Sharaday airs a total of 12 times, at the top of the hour on either the even hours or odd hours of the day.
Download a Sharaday 2025 Form
to send to WTGN Radio,
or click the "Reserve a Sharaday" button
below to reserve your Sharaday today.