Pastor Kevin from The Gospel Project
Gateway Church in Findlay is sponsoring a Saturday morning seminar featuring Pastor Kevin from The Gospel Project’s Questions From Kids. No matter the ages of your kids, parenting today can be just plain hard! Whether it’s mental health, technology, gender identity or any number of other issues facing families today, we want to help you feel equipped to navigate discipleship with the young people in your life. If you’re a parent, a grandparent, a teacher or just someone who cares deeply about discpling the young people in your life, plan to join us. Childcare provided with registration. This event will take place on Saturday, November 5 from 9:30 to 11:00 am at Gateway’s North Main Campus at 620 N. Main St. in Findlay. You can register here:  https://my.displaychurch. events/e/k42ShujN/nzthvdMZP9k
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